Ayaz O. Muratoglu

Ayaz O. Muratoglu is a poet, essayist, and occasional translator living in Brooklyn, NY.

Selected Poems

"Oak," "A Boy's Song," "Middling Time," & "Slope Edge" Trilobite, issue 16

"Miracles of Profit," "Infinity Quilt," & "Bhereti" Landfill, August 2024

"An Unwatched Festering," "Rabbits," & "At Night the Wheel" Tagvverk, March 2024

Four Poems The Poetry Project Newsletter #271

"Aftermaths" The Cola Review issue 1 (print)

"The Kid Who Accepts Blame," "Oyster," & "Necessaries" Hot Pink Mag, issue 2

"When You Go, Can You Bring me Back a Handful of Rain?" Yalobusha Review, issue 35

"Rushed Painting" pan-pan press, issue 7

Selected Criticism

On I, Boombox by Robert Glück Poetry Project Newsletter, #273

On Angela Hume's "Interventions for Women" On the Seawall

On Ama Codjoe's "Bluest Nude" On the Seawall

On Sophia Dahlin's "Natch" Critical Flame

On Heather Treseler's "Parturition" Critical Flame

Selected Translations

Lorine Niedecker's "Foreclosure" from English into Turkish / for moero, issue 6


You can email me or send me love notes at ayazormemuratoglu [at] gmail [dot] com.